IEL Resources
Tip Sheets
This list contains resources to help educators and families address biting in young children.
Tip Sheets
This article addresses how to handle situations when toddlers bite, including how to handle the biter, the person the child bites, as well as the parents.
Biting is a common but upsetting behavior of toddlers. It is important for parents to address biting when it occurs. This fact sheet provides tips for parents and program staff on how to better understand issues around biting.
Parents often struggle over how to manage their child’s aggressive and/or destructive behavior. This article gives parents tips on what to do and not to do with their child to decrease fighting and biting.
This page provides links to resources regarding biting in young children.
Biting is one of the most frustrating behaviors facing child care providers. Unfortunately, there’s not a simple solution to stop all biting. This article explains two keys to preventing future biting: careful observation and a plan for prevention.
This article provides information regarding the reasons young children bite and includes ideas and strategies for responding appropriately.