IEL Resources
Tip Sheets
- Helping Children to Develop “Impulse Control”
- Helping Siblings Get Along
- Helping the Often-Angry Child
- Kids Who Care
- Making and Keeping Friends
- Work and Play Together
This list contains a variety of resources associated with helping young children resolve conflicts.
Tip Sheets
This article provides tips for helping young children handle conflict.
This is a lesson plan for imaginary play which is a fun and safe way to help children prepare for difficult moments, such as what to do when conflict arises at daycare, at school or with siblings.
This parenting resource provides tips and examples on helping children learn to cooperate.
This page addresses bullying in young children, including understanding when behaviors are bullying, why children bully, the signs of bullying and what parents can do.
This article offers strategies for parents who want to teacher children how to decide if they should report a broken rule.
This article gives teachers a structure to deal with conflicts in the preschool classroom focusing on a flexible plan and guidance techniques to support young children.
This articles gives adults a series of strategies to help guide children to resolve their conflicts, including focusing on feelings first, pinpointing the source of the conflict, and brainstorming solutions.
This parenting resource provides developmental information regarding self-control. Self-control enables children to cooperate with others, to cope with frustration, and to resolve conflicts.
This resource explains why teaching conflict resolution is beneficial for young children.
These briefs describe effective practices for supporting children’s social-emotional development and preventing challenging behaviors.
This explains that there are simple steps that adults can begin using immediately to assist children in learning how to resolve conflict. The steps take practice by the children who are learning them and patience by the adult who is modeling and teaching the steps.