IEL Resources
Tip Sheets
- CSI: Child Scientist Investigates!
- Encouraging Scientific Thinking: Rain or Shine
- Get Growing: Learning about Seeds
- Get Growing: Planning a Garden with Young Children
- Natural Illinois: Birds
- Natural Illinois: Butterflies and Moths
- Natural Illinois: Frogs and Toads
- Natural Illinois: Insects
- Natural Illinois: Leaves Are All Around
- Natural Illinois: Mammals
- Natural Illinois: Rock On!
- Natural Illinois: The Trees You See
- Out and About with Preschoolers: Close Up with Visual Arts
- Outdoor Field Trips with Preschoolers: Being There
- Outdoor Field Trips with Preschoolers: Deciding Where to Go
- Outdoor Play: Weather or Not
- Say Yes to the Mess! Play with Rocks
- Say Yes to the Mess! Snow Time
- Say Yes to the Mess! Water Works
- Go Outdoors and Explore: Build Upon Young Children’s Natural Curiosity
- Nature Play: Loose Parts Are the Best Parts
Project Examples