IEL Resources
Tip sheets:
Resource List:
This resource list gives information on orientation and mobility for young children.
Tip sheets:
Resource List:
The mission of the Connect Center is to empower people toward greater independence and lifelong success by providing free curated information and resources to assist children, parents, job seekers, and adults who are blind or low vision.
This tutorial focuses on the role of orientation and mobility within the expanded core curriculum for students with cortical visual impairments (CVI)
The National Federation of the Blind believes that no blind person should be without a white cane, regardless of his or her ability to pay for it. Their service provides free white canes.
The vision of the Illinois School for the Visually Impaired is to provide a quality comprehensive education and serve as a statewide resource to students in Illinois with visual impairments assisting them in becoming personally productive and self-sufficient citizens.
This article describes long canes, rectangular canes, and pediatric belt canes.
This article explains how children who are deafblind can learn orientation and mobility skills, but it requires ongoing instruction from an orientation and mobility specialist and the help of the whole team to provide good practice experiences.
In this article, Merry-Noel Chamberlain draws upon her extensive experience as an instructor of orientation and mobility to answer many of the questions she hears from the parents of young children.
This article explains that for preschoolers, orientation and mobility entails interpreting sensory input, improving gross and fine motor skills, learning basic spatial and environmental concepts, developing mobility and cane techniques, and using basic travel clues and landmarks.
This tutorial focuses on birth to three orientation and mobility skills, such as hand positioning, crawling, standing, and walking.
This article explains how the Expanded Core Curriculum empowers students with disabilities to access their education and make their own choices throughout life.