The Project Approach: Resources for Teachers
This resource list contains videos and articles about the project approach for early childhood teachers.
All Around Your Town
Source: Scholastic
This article shares how to plan field trips that are close to home, cost little, and instill civic pride.
Building a Good Foundation
Source: Sarah Lawrence College
In this video, Dr. Lilian Katz presents the 2014 Longfellow Lecture on principles for building a good foundation for children’s learning.
Conversations with Dr. Lilian Katz
Source: StarNet
In this 45 minute video, Lilian Katz shares her thoughts on: interest versus excitement; child-centered versus child-sensitive curriculum; academic versus intellectual elements; teaching versus instruction; social competence; short term versus long term effects; support for teachers.
Documenting a Learning Experience: Frogs and Ponds
Source: Eastern Connecticut State University
Preschool teacher Heather Oski describes a classroom investigation on frogs and her creation of a documentation panel to highlight the experience. The video was produced by The Center for Early Childhood Education at Eastern Connecticut State University.
Dr. Lilian Katz, Part 1: Young Children Learn Interdependence
Source: University of Illinois
In this video, Dr. Katz discusses the importance of providing experiences that will help children develop “competent interdependence.”
Dr. Lilian Katz, Part 2: The Project Approach
Source: University of Illinois
In this video, Dr. Katz discusses contingent interactions between children and adults, and how it leads to developing intellect. She emphasizes the importance of developing intellectual dispositions in early childhood education and the benefits of using the Project Approach for this purpose.
Engaging Children in Meaningful Conversation
Source: WGBH
Dr. Villegas-Reimers, Wheelock College, explains strategies for supporting meaningful conversations with children. This video was produced by WGBH for the EEC.
Engaging Children’s Hearts and Minds: The Project Approach
Source: Grand Rapids Community College TV
In this 2-hour video presentation, Sylvia Chard provides an in-depth presentation on the Project Approach, including many examples.
How PBL Taps Into the Science of Learning and Development
Source: Edutopia
In this video, Linda Darling Hammond explains the benefits of project based learning on achievement and learning.
Implementing the Project Approach in an Inclusive Classroom: A Teacher’s First Attempt with Project-Based Learning
Source: National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC)
This article shares the perspective of a teacher on how she implemented the project approach in her inclusive classroom in a preschool that had a history of structured, teacher-driven curriculum.
Insight on Inquiry: Celebrating Student Work in Kindergarten
Source: The Robertson Program
In this video, kindergarten teacher Carol Stephenson brings us back insider her classroom to share how she honors her students’ work at the end of an inquiry-based exploration. Carol teaches at the Dr. Eric Jackman Institute of Child Study, the lab school at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education.
Insight on Inquiry: Starting the Year in Kindergarten
Source: The Robertson Program
In this video, kindergarten teacher Carol Stephenson brings us inside her classroom to show how she fosters inquiry-based learning at the very beginning of the school year. Carol teaches at the Dr. Eric Jackman Institute of Child Study, the lab school at the Ontario Insitute for Studies in Education (University of Toronto).
Source: Eastern Connecticut State University
This page provides information and a link to videos regarding Investigations curriculum which is centered around engaging projects – called “investigations” – on topics that are selected by children, teachers, and families.
Learning is a Team Sport: Kindergartners Study the Boston Marathon
Source: vimeo
Ben Mardell’s 32-minute documentary about teachers’ and kindergarten students’ learning while engaged in an Making Learning Visible-inspired study of the Boston Marathon; the video shares the strategies used by teachers and what children learned along the way. This video appears on Melissa Rivard’s vimeo page.
The Project Approach
Source: The Project Approach
This website, managed by the Educators Institute at Duke School in collaboration with Sylvia Chard, is dedicated to providing information about the Project Approach. It offers theory, structure, and examples of the Project Approach, as well as resources and tools that teachers and administrators can use, including: an overview of the theoretical framework and history; explanations of how to develop and implement project work; examples of projects conducted in classrooms worldwide; information about upcoming seminars, workshops, and other forms of professional development; a study guide that helps participants understand the definition and applications of the Project Approach and walks them through the process of developing and implementing a project in the classroom.
Project Approach (Queensland)
Source: Queensland Government Early Childhood Education and Care
Queensland recognizes the Project Approach as an age-appropriate curriculum approach for preschoolers. Visit this page to read their description and find related resources.
The Project Approach at Stone Ridge School
Source: Stone Ridge School
In this video, educators from the Little Hearts Program at Stone Ridge School share how the Project Approach is used in their preschool and kindergarten programs.
The Project Approach for All Children: Hands-on Learning for Inclusive Early Childhood Classrooms
Source: Community Playthings
Sallee Beneke and Michaelene Ostrosky describe the potential of the Project Approach to build on children’s strengths and provide all learners with equal access to the curriculum.
The Project Approach to Teaching and Learning
Source: Community Playthings
Sylvia Chard provides an overview of the Project Approach and describes the advantages, relationship to standards, compatibility with teaching strategies, and challenges to implementation.
Project Approach: Child Making Decisions
Source: Ohio Resource Center
This video describes the benefits of the Project Approach for young children.
The Project Approach: Using Schoolyard Ecology to Support Student Learning
Source: Community Playthings
Educators from a Boston Public School for children that emphasizes the Project Approach share strategies for using the schoolyard a source of project topics.
Project Work and Nature: A Natural Combination
Source: Community Playthings
Judy Helm describes how projects that investigate nature help build a beneficial relationship with the natural world in rural and urban environments.
Supporting High Quality Inclusion: The Project Approach
Source: Brookes Publishing
In this 1-hour webinar, Beneke and Ostrosky present information on the potential of the Project Approach to provide a context that builds community and provides improved opportunities for teaching and learning in inclusive ECE classrooms.
The Teacher’s Role in the Project Approach
Source: Community Playthings
Lilian Katz describes effective teaching strategies and important opportunities for teacher decision-making over the course of a project.
What Should Children Be Learning?
Source: 92nd Street Y
In this video, Lilian Katz discusses important principles that are a foundation for educating children.
About this resource
Setting(s) for which the article is intended:- Preschool Program
- Kindergarten
Intended audience(s):
- Teachers / Service providers
- Faculty / Trainer
Age Levels (the age of the children to whom the article applies):