IEL Resources
Tip Sheets
Questions and Answers
- The Impact of Trauma on the Lives of Young Children (Part 1)
- The Impact of Trauma on the Lives of Young Children (Part 2)
This list contains a variety of resources associated with supporting resilience in children exposed to domestic violence.
Tip Sheets
Questions and Answers
What can be done at school to help a traumatized child? This online publication includes descriptions of the effects and suggestions for the child’s teachers.
The ACT program helps build safe and strong families.
This factsheet from the Child Welfare Information Gateway discusses the extent of the overlap between domestic violence and child welfare, some of the effects of domestic violence on child witnesses, and the trend toward a more collaborative, community-wide response to the issue.
This page provides links to find information in the State Statutes database regarding child abuse and neglect, child welfare and adoption.
This factsheet presents information from a review of current research linking protective factors to well-being for children exposed to domestic violence. Topics include individual skills and capacities that can improve the well-being of children exposed to violence; how parents, guardians, and others can contribute to the well-being of these children; creating supportive communities; and strategies for practitioners.
This article defines domestic violence, lists signs of childhood trauma, and includes a plan for safety.
This blog post provides information on the impact of trauma on young children and strategies that caregivers can use to help young children.
This publication describes an action plan that outlines principles for preventing and reducing the negative impact of the exposure to violence on children.
This topical guide on stress and trauma in young children will introduce you to important books, videos, and information resources available from the EI Clearinghouse.
Parents and caregivers play a very important role in helping infants and toddlers heal from traumatic experiences. This resource lists articles, books, and tools about trauma in infants and toddlers.