IEL Resources
Resource List
This list contains a variety of resources associated with keeping your medications safe from young children.
Young children do not understand the harmful effects of medication and other dangerous substances, so parents must be cautious. This website provides safety tips and a list of dangerous products that caregivers should keep out of reach of children.
In this 5-minute video, Dr. Dan Budnitz visits Coffee with America to talk about dangers relating to children and medication. In this five-minute video, Dr. Budnitz talks about the risks and preventive measures of medication overdoses.
This guide sheds light on the most effective medications for specific disorders, as well as how to know if your child is getting the right dose and how and when children should be weaning off medication.
This simple infographic explains information parents should know about keeping medications safe from children, as well as common mistakes parents make in medication storage.
This website provides family guides (available in a variety of languages) about medication safety. The website also has videos, a game, and a digital storybook that provides more information about medication safety.
This webpage includes several resources on safety and medications.
Medication poisoning is one of the leading causes for emergency room visits for children under five years. This five-minute podcast discusses the dangers of drug poisonings and ways to prevent them in young children.
This website provides general information about medication safety for children. It includes information about dosing safety, mixing food with medication, and helping children take medicine.
This 20-page report provides an analysis of data from the National Poison Data System to better understand what types of medicine children are getting into and how it happens. Top tips to keep children safe (handout) is on page 4.
While families are staying in a hotel or at a friend’s home, it may be more difficult to keep medicine safe from children. This one-page tip sheet provides steps parents can take to prevent their child from accessing medication while away from home.
This document is a report on safe medicine storage and addresses the disconnect between parent knowledge and behavior.
This one-minute video clip provides information about the dangers of child access to medications. It provides steps for parents to help keep their children safe.
Proper storage of medications is an important safety precaution that should be practiced to help keep young children safe. This website provides steps for parents to take to prevent medication-related accidents.
This simple infographic explains the risk of children having access to medication and provides ways for families to decrease the risk of adverse drug events.