The COVID-19 pandemic has drastically changed our lives. Our routines have been changed. We have been unable to see our loved ones. We are concerned for our health and the health of others.
As children and families slowly transition back to work and child care, families and caregivers may have concerns about how to best manage this change. While it may not be a child’s first day in a center, the first day back can also be stressful. Child care will look different for a while, with new routines, policies, and requirements. The Illinois Early Learning Project staff have gathered resources to help children, families, and providers with this transition.
In addition, the Ohio AEYC hosted a webinar with Barbara Kaiser, Getting Ready for the New Normal: Supporting Children, Staff, and Families When Your Center Re-Opens. This webinar covers the impact of sheltering in place, collective trauma, modifications that will be required, and the impact this will all have on children’s sense of safety and their behavior and your ability to respond effectively. It can be viewed for free, but registration is required.
Children’s Feelings
Most adults are able to find ways to manage their emotions, from talking with friends to using mindfulness practices. Many young children, however, may find it difficult to express their feelings. When children return, they may be experiencing many different feelings, but they may be unable to express them. They may feel:
- Sad
- They may miss a parent or family member.
- They may miss a loved one who died during the pandemic.
- They may miss friends who are no longer in their class.
- Scared
- They may be scared about getting sick or a family member getting sick.
- They may be afraid of the masks and additional personal protective equipment.
- They may be scared about being alone.
- Anxious
- They may not know the new routine.
- They may be more sensitive to noises.
- They may not want a parent to leave.
Recognizing Stress
As caregivers, it is important to recognize that these feelings of stress may be shown in different ways. They may look like:
- Clinginess
- Acting out / temper tantrums
- Isolating / wanting to be alone / withdrawal
- Regression of skills – language, self-care, sleeping
- Crying
- More questions than normal
- Impulsive behavior
Caregivers can support young children as they return by:
- Being sensitive to the child’s needs
- Being patient with the child
- Letting children know about changes to their old routine
- Providing a consistent routine
- Providing short and honest answers to questions
- Providing opportunities for play
- Providing reasonable choices
- Reading books about COVID-19 and tough times
- Using techniques to support self-regulation
- Remaining calm
- Offering empathy and support
- Using positive guidance
Supporting Children
As caregivers, it is our nature to be concerned about the children in our care and their families. Because of the extended shelter-at-home period, some families may need additional support because of trauma or violence. If families have been living with additional stressors, such as violence, trauma, or homelessness, these feelings and emotions can be even more difficult to manage.
Connecting with these families is crucial to helping families access resources and promote safety. The National Center on Parent, Family and Community Engagement has developed a resource to provide Strategies to Support Families Who May Be Experiencing Domestic Violence.
The Wisconsin Infant Mental Health Association has produced a four-page resource, Tips for Supporting Infants & Young Children’s Transition as We Reopen, on supporting children as they return to early childhood programs.
For information on COVID-19 for early childhood in Illinois, please visit the Governor’s Office of Early Childhood Development‘s page.
As schools reopen, addressing COVID-19-related trauma and mental health issues will take more than mental health services. School leaders must work quickly to prepare to support students in the fall, either in person or through distance learning.
For Families
Families may also experience similar feelings of stress and anxiety during this transition. There may be many questions about the center and the changes that have been made during this time. Young children’s mental health includes how they feel about themselves and other people, and how they cope with life. If you have questions or concerns about your child’s reaction to the shelter-in-place situation or other stressors, please reach out to your child’s teacher for information on available resources in your community. IEL’s COVID-19 resources can help families manage this trying time.
Child care will look very different:
- Drop-off and pick-off procedures will be different to minimize contact.
- There will be physical distancing while engaging socially with staff and other children.
- Daily health screenings for both children and staff are required.
- Group sizes are smaller, but may increase as we progress through the reopening phases.
- Multiple groups may not be in the same space at the same time.
- Anyone exhibiting COVID-19 symptoms will not be admitted to the facility.
- Toys and surfaces will be sanitized frequently.
- Hand washing will be more frequent and more thorough.
- Face coverings will be worn in common areas and in classrooms with children over age 2.
Additional Resources
Additional sources for on-demand professional development:
- Trauma-Informed Care in ECE: Key Strategies for Healing and Behavioral Change, a free archived webinar presented by Barbara Sorrels.
- Childhood Trauma: Understanding, Supporting, and Preventing, a free self-paced online module that explores childhood trauma, disability, and trauma-informed practices in early childhood settings.
- Beyond Covid-19: Supporting Children, Families, & Staff to Reintegrate to the New Normal, a free archived webinar presented by Barbara Kaiser.
- Helping the Child who is Anxious, a free 3-unit course that provides information on anxiousness, red flags, and strategies for intervention.
Sources used for this tool kit:
- Creating Trauma-Sensitive Classrooms
- Why are people wearing masks? Why are people covering their faces? Also available in Spanish
- Information for Families on Health and Safety Measures Child Care Programs May Take During COVID-19
- Reopening Child Care in Illinois
- Helping Your Toddler Cope with Grief and Death Also available in Spanish
- Reopening Child Care & Early Education Programs during the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Caring for Each Other resources from Sesame Street features tips, activities, games, and conversation starters for young children.
IEL Resources
- Tip Sheets:
- COVID-19 Resources
Web Resources
As schools reopen, addressing COVID-19-related trauma and mental health issues will take more than mental health services
Source: Child Trends
Education leaders and policymakers across the country must equip schools to address the social, emotional, and behavioral effects of the ongoing pandemic. Although mental health services are critical in supporting the needs of students—particularly those who are experiencing trauma—education leaders must take a comprehensive approach that goes beyond mental health services as schools reopen.
Beyond COVID-19: Supporting Children, Families, & Staff to Reintegrate to the New Normal
Source: Early Childhood Investigations
This webinar provides insight that will help participants: look at their own stress level and ways to build resilience; identify the impact of this unprecedented stress on children’s behavior; develop strategies to scaffold the children’s social, emotional, and physical needs that have resulted from this crisis; and be prepared for the challenges for the adults in the early childhood triad may present.
Caring for Each Other
Source: Sesame Street
Sesame Street provides support during the COVID-19 crisis. These are stressful times, and families everywhere are coping with changing routines, anxiety, and loss. This site is filled with rich content to use with children to spark playful learning, offer them comfort, and help whole families thrive.
COVID-19 for Early Childhood
This website provides up to date information on COVID-19, general guidance, and updates and resources from state agencies.
Creating Trauma-Sensitive Classrooms
Source: National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC)
This article from Young Children explains types of trauma young children may experience, how their behavior may be affected, and how educators and caregivers can be responsive and proactive.
Getting Ready for the New Normal: Supporting Children, Staff, and Families
Source: Ohio Association for the Education of Young Children
Learn the impact of sheltering in place, collective trauma, modifications that will be required, and the impact this will all have on children’s sense of safety and their behavior and your ability to respond effectively.
Helping the Child who is Anxious
Source: Center for Inclusive Child Care
This course describes the need for children to feel safe and secure with their primary caregivers, as children experience times of stress and upheaval that leaves them feeling anxious and unsure.
Helping Toddlers Cope with Grief and Death
Source: Zero to Three
As hard (and painful) as it can be to answer questions about the death of a loved one, it’s an important way that toddlers cope with grief and death and cam help them develop an understanding of what has happened.
Information for Families on Health and Safety Measures Child Care Programs May Take During COVID-19
Source: Child Care Aware of America
The Child Care Aware library has a number of resources including those on COVID-19.
Our favorite books for families facing tough times
Source: Zero to Three
Welcome to education materials for educators on Indigenous People of Illinois. You will find activities, videos, and resource materials. These resources are for your use in teaching about Indigenous or Native people in Illinois.
Reopening Child Care & Early Education Programs during the COVID-19 Pandemic
(also in Spanish)Source: Society for the Protection and Care of Children (SPCC)
Children 0-6 years old have unique social-emotional needs and are at highest risk for potential developmental impact due to the heightened stress of the pandemic. Parents and caregivers, including childcare providers can directly reduce this negative impact through nurturing, consistent, sensitive presence.
Reopening Child Care in Illinois
This website offers guidance to programs childcare programs who are reopening through the Restore Illinois plan.
Strategies to Support Families Who May Be Experiencing Domestic Violence
Source: Head Start
Head Start and Early Head Start programs can use this resource to learn more about working with families and children who may be experiencing violence. This information is particularly useful during periods when communities must stay at home.
Tips for Supporting Infants & Young Children as we Re-Open
Source: Wisconsin Alliance for Infant Mental Health
The global health pandemic has been stressful on everyone, including children. As we look towards resuming life amidst evolving changes, it will take time as children and adults alike adjust. Our new normal may still include varying degrees of uncertainty, stress, change and exposure to trauma. This document helps educators support children during this transition.
Trauma-Informed Care
Source: OneOp
This article provides rationale for trauma-informed care, along with basic information about this approach.
Trauma-Informed Care in ECE: Key Strategies for Healing and Behavioral Change
Source: Early Childhood Investigations
Children with a history of trauma often “act out” their distress through behaviors that are challenging for adults to understand. This session, presented by Barbara Sorrels, Ed.D, author and child development expert, will focus on understanding the message of challenging behavior and strategies to help children heal.
Why are people wearing masks? Why are people covering their faces?
(also in Spanish)Source: Zero to Three
Sometimes our toddlers ask us questions that are hard to answer—especially when we’re not sure what the right answer is, like the situation many communities are facing with COVID-19 (Novel Coronavirus).