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All Done

About this Video

This video takes place in a toddler room of a university laboratory child care and preschool. Daniel (25 months) and Mia (23 months) are standing at the Lego table. A teacher is helping Mia ask Daniel to share the blanket he is using when he is done. The teacher provides her with words to use, expands on what they are saying, and asks them both questions.



Teacher: Can you say that? Can you say “when you’re all done, can I use the blanket?” He might just say “Yes.”

Teacher: (to Daniel) Are you still using the blanket, Daniel, or can you let Mia use it?

Daniel: (hugging the blanket) Da, Da, Da, Da.

Teacher: You’re going to still use it right now? OK. Well, when you’re all done, can Mia use it? When you’re all finished with it?

Mia: Can Mia use it?

Teacher: Yep. So Mia said, “Can I use it when you’re all done?”

Daniel puts the blanket over his animal.

Mia: All done?

Illinois Early Learning Guidelines for Children Birth to Age Three and strategies that caregivers used

Developmental Domain 1: Social & Emotional Development
Relationship with Peers
Children demonstrate the desire and develop the ability to engage and interact with other children.

  • Strategies for interaction (16-24 months): Recognize and respond thoughtfully to the child’s verbal and nonverbal communication
  • Action: The teacher recognized that Mia was looking for the words to ask Daniel for the blanket. The teacher then sat with them to help them work it out.

Developmental Domain 3: Language Development, Communication, & Literacy
Expressive Communication
Children demonstrate the ability to understand and convey thoughts through both nonverbal and verbal expression.

  • Strategies for interaction (21-36 months):
    • Expand on what the child is saying
    • Model but do not correct when the child is speaking
  • Action: After Daniel said “da, da, da” while hugging the blanket, the teacher conveyed his sentiment with words so that Mia would know he wasn’t done with it.

Approaches to Learning
Problem Solving
Children attempt a variety of strategies to accomplish tasks, overcome obstacles, and find solutions to tasks, questions, and challenges.

  • Strategies for interaction (21-36 months): Be available for the child and recognize when he or she needs guidance (21–36 months)
  • Action: The teacher was available for Daniel and Mia and stepped in to facilitate the interaction because toddlers often do not have the words to express their feelings or desires.

About this resource

Setting(s) for which the article is intended:
  • Family Child Care
  • Child Care Center

Intended audience(s):
  • Parents / Family
  • Faculty / Trainer

Age Levels (the age of the children to whom the article applies):
Related IEL Birth to Three Guidelines:
Reviewed: 2017