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Drumming in the Kitchen

child using a drum

About this Video

Infants depend on caregivers’ responses that encourage them to explore the world. In this video, we see 9-month-old Amy explore the sounds that she can make when she is banging pots with a large spoon. Notice as Amy’s mother responds to her banging the pots with spoons. She demonstrates the action, verbally encourages Amy, then cheers “good job!” Hearing encouragement from her caregivers builds Amy’s confidence and inspires her to continue experimenting by drumming on the pots and pans.



metal clanging

Amy’s mother: Want this one?

single clang

Amy’s mother: Woo!

Good job!


No, no, no, no, no.

Woo woo woo.




Both women: No.

Amy’s grandmother: No … no.

Amy’s mother: Go bang, bang, bang!


higher pitched clanging

Amy’s mother: You want this?

You want this?

faster clanging

Amy’s grandmother: Chooger booger, t’what you doin’?



Amy’s mother: Here, hit it.

Hit it.


Amy’s mother: Boom, boom, boom, boom, woo!

You’re gonna eat the spoon?

Amy’s grandmother: Yeah, no.


Amy’s mother: Woo!

(low pitched) Wo’uho.

(middle pitched) Uh ohh.

(higher pitched) Uh ohh!

Here you go, bang, bang, bang.



Amy cooing

Amy’s mother: Ohh.


Illinois Early Learning Guidelines for Children Birth to Age Three & How They Were Met

Developmental Domain 1: Social & Emotional Development
Relationship with Adults
Children demonstrate the desire and develop the ability to engage, interact, and build relationships with familiar adults.

  • Indicators for children (7–18 months):
    • Uses “social referencing” when encountering new experiences, e.g., glances at a caregiver’s face for cues on how to respond to an unfamiliar person or unknown object
    • Uses key adults as a “secure base” when exploring the environment
  • Action: Amy looks to her mother and grandmother after she bangs the pot with a spoon. She smiles at them when they cheer and encourage her to keep drumming on the pots. She smiles at them, and each time she checks in with her mother and grandmother, she strengthens the relationship she has with them and demonstrates that her mother and grandmother are a secure base from which she can explore her world.

Developmental Domain 1: Social & Emotional Development
Emotional Expression
Children demonstrate an awareness of and the ability to identify and express emotions.

  • Indicators for children (7–18 months): Recognizes and expresses emotion toward a familiar person, e.g., shows emotion by hugging a sibling
  • Action: Amy smiles at her mother and grandmother to demonstrate her joy at being able to make noises by banging on the pots.

Developmental Domain 2: Physical Development & Health
Fine Motor
Children demonstrate the ability to coordinate their small muscles in order to move and control objects.

  • Indicators for children (7–18 months): Uses hands in a purposeful manner, e.g., turns the pages of a board book, drops objects into a bucket
  • Action: Amy grasps the spoon with a palmar grasp as she bangs on the pots. She also demonstrates her growing hand-eye coordination as she accurately hits the pot with the spoon to generate a sound.

Developmental Domain 2: Physical Development & Health
Children demonstrate the ability to distinguish, process, and respond to sensory stimuli in their environment.

  • Indicators for children (7–18 months): Begins to manipulate materials, e.g., pounds at play dough, squeezes finger foods
  • Action: Amy responds by widening her eyes when she hears the sound of the spoon banging on the pots. She continues to bang on the pots with the spoon to generate the sound.

Developmental Domain 3: Language Development, Communication, & Literacy
Social Communication
Children demonstrate the ability to engage with and maintain communication with others.

  • Indicators for children (7–18 months): Communicates and responds by grunting, nodding, and pointing
  • Action: Amy responds to her mother and grandmother’s words by shaking her head “No!” when they speak to her about banging on the pots.

Developmental Domain 3: Language Development, Communication, & Literacy
Receptive Communication
Children demonstrate the ability to comprehend both verbal and nonverbal communication.

  • Indicators for children (7–18 months): Engages in joint attention with a caregiver, e.g., joins in looking at the same object or shifts gaze to where someone is pointing
  • Action: Amy engages in eye contact with her grandmother who is speaking off camera. This helps them to establish joint attention on the task of banging on the pots. Amy’s mother demonstrates what to do with the pots, and Amy follows by banging with her spoons.

Developmental Domain 4: Cognitive Development
Science Concepts & Exploration
Children demonstrate a basic awareness of and use scientific concepts.

  • Indicators for children (7–18 months): Repeats actions that attract his or her attention, e.g., drops object onto floor to hear the sound it makes
  • Action: Amy experiments with sounds and the concept of cause and effect as she bangs her spoons on the pots and pans.

Approaches to Learning
Confidence & Risk-Taking
Children demonstrate a willingness to participate in new experiences and confidently engage in risktaking.

  • Indicators for children (7–18 months): Becomes more intentional and confident when playing and interacting, e.g., grabs, pushes, throws
  • Action: As Amy’s mother and grandmother verbally encourage Amy, she continues to confidently explore the pots and spoons and discover the sounds they can make. Amy’s mother demonstrates banging the lids on the pots, which encourages Amy to explore new ways of making sounds with the pots and pans.