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Interactive Guidelines Flip Book

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This interactive PDF provides a convenient collection of tables with the indicators for children and strategies for interaction for each standard in the Illinois Early Learning Guidelines. It is ideal for use with tablets during home visits or work in classrooms, but it also can be viewed on phones and desktop and laptop computers.

There is a table of contents for each of the four different age periods (birth to 9 months, 7–18 months, 16–24 months, and 21–36 months). Click on a standard and it takes you to the table for that standard. On the bottom of each page are five tabs that let you easily jump to the indicators and strategies for the four different age ranges and the table of contents (TOC) for that age range.

Tapping on highlighted words or terms in the tables will take you to the page in the glossary where they appear. Tapping on the “Back” tab should return you to your previous page. However, this tab doesn’t work with all PDF viewers. If it doesn’t work for you, click on the “TOC” button to go back to the table of contents to find your way back to your previous page.

Information on compatibility with different devices

All interactive features except the “Back” tab work within the PDF viewer on our website. You can also download the interactive PDF to your device. Below is the compatibility we have found for different PDF viewers and devices:

  • iPads and iPhones: The PDF is fully functional when used in Apple Books. The “Back” tab does not work in the default PDF viewer.
  • Kindle Fire: The interactive features don’t work with the default Kindle PDF viewer. However, all features except the “Back” button work with the free Kdan PDF viewer app available through Amazon.
  • Android phone: The interactive features do not work on the default Drive PDF Viewer, but all interactive features except the “Back” button work with Acrobat Reader.
  • Acrobat Pro and Acrobat Reader: All interactive features work on a PC desktop.
  • Preview on a Mac: All interactive features work on the Mac’s default PDF viewer.

About this resource

Age Levels (the age of the children to whom the article applies):
Reviewed: 2017