IEL Resources
Tip Sheets
Tool Kits
This list gives educators and families resources about block play in early childhood.
Tip Sheets
Tool Kits
This article gives teachers information about children and block play, including block play and developmental areas, understanding the child’s role in block play, and understanding the teacher’s role in block play.
This article addresses the role that simple toys like blocks and puzzles can play in providing a foundation for learning math, science and other STEM subjects.
This article from Young Children shows how one teacher changed her block center from playing without a clear purpose to incorporating the design process used by engineers.
This article explains how many blocks are needed in a classroom, the different types of blocks available, and other construction options for young children.
This article gives educators and parents ideas of how infants of different age groupings (0-3 months, 4-6 month, 7-9 months, and 10-12 months) can engage in block play activities. A short video shows examples of infants of different ages and their caregivers playing with blocks.
This article gives early childhood educators a list and review of picture books about block building that are meant to inspire young engineers and architects.
This blog highlights ways that families can support young children’s STEM learning at home through block play. This blog also explains the stages of block play to parents.
This article focuses on how infant-toddler educators can support block play in developmentally appropriate ways in their classrooms.
This article shows the perspectives of several early childhood teachers addressing common questions about block play in the early childhood classroom including what teachers can do to generate an interest in block play, and when teachers should insert themselves into block play.
This article from the journal Young Children explains to families and educators what children learn from block play.