IEL Resources
Tip Sheets
This list gives educators and families resources about how to teach young children about geography.
Tip Sheets
This article from Young Children explains how young children learn geography through experiences and relationships in their local communities. The article gives tips to parents and educators on how to lead project-based investigations of their local environment.
This video teaches basic map skills for young children.
This webpage links to classroom resources, free online courses, lesson plans, an education blog, black line maps, and more – all for educators wanting to learn and teach more about the world.
This themed booklist for 3-6 year olds focuses on maps and has many inviting, colorful, picture books to explore.
This article gives five simple ways parents can introduce young children to the fascinating world of geography.
Map reading is an important tool for building children’s spatial reasoning skills and helping them make sense of our world. This website has questions to help parents start conversations with their child about maps, and ideas on how to play and learn together with young children. Printables and crafts are included.
This resource library activity allows PreK-Grade 1 students to practice using the language of location and then apply that language when creating a map of their classroom. They use the map to locate hidden items in the classroom.
This blog post by a map developer provides background information about several types of maps and their uses.
This short video teaches PreK students about maps. In this segment, Abby teaches kids what to look for on a map so that it can be used to help them get where they want to go.