- Make sure you have taken a look at the IEL Project Examples to see how other project reports that have been submitted.
- Carefully read the “Information to Include” list below.
- Write a report about your project that includes the information listed below. You may also include video, photographs, and other graphic elements.
- Be sure you have parent permission to share photos or other media (e.g., video) that includes their children.
- Carefully proofread your report.
- Prepare an electronic copy of your report. This should be a Word document with images embedded. Save your original, high-quality photos and videos.
- Contact us at iel@illinois.edu to let us know you have a project to submit. We will prepare a Box folder for you, and you will upload your materials there.
Information to Include in Your Project Report
Contact Information
Your name, address, center or program affiliation, phone and e-mail address.
Please include the following general information about the project:
- Title of the project
- Age level(s) of the children who participated in the project
- Number of children and general description of the class(es) involved (e.g., diversity of children, number with IEPs, family backgrounds)
- Name of the school or center and the city in which the project was conducted
- Type of program the project was created in (e.g., lab school, PFA, childcare center), and whether children attend half day or full day
- Length of time required to complete the project
- Number and names of teacher(s) involved in the project
When writing up your project example, please try to answer as many of the following questions as possible in narrative form:
Phase 1: Beginning the Project
- Why was the topic chosen?
- Was there a focusing event to begin the project? What was it?
- Did you create a topical web about children’s knowledge before the project started?
- Did children represent their beginning knowledge and experiences with the topic before the investigation?
- What questions did the class decide to investigate? How were these questions generated and recorded?
- What were teachers’ expectations for the project?
Phase 2: Developing the Project
- What investigations occurred?
- What field sites were visited? What experts were interviewed on site and in the classroom?
- How did investigation questions change or become redirected by field work or interviewing experts?
- What print, online, or human resources were valuable?
- How were parents involved in the experience?
- How did children represent their learning (drawings, sculptures, play environments, plays, books, videos, etc.)?
Phase 3: Concluding the Project
- What culminating event closed the project?
- How was the project shared with parents and/or the community?
- What did children learn from the project (e.g., knowledge, skills, dispositions)?
Teacher Reflection
Share your thoughts about the project. You may want to focus on one or more of these questions:
- Reflecting on this project, what did you learn as a teacher?
- How did the project surprise you in how it progressed?
- Was this a good topic?
- What was especially meaningful to you?
- What was difficult for you and/or what was easier than you thought it would be?
- Was there a child who especially benefited from the experience?
- What would you do differently in this project if you did it again?