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Drawing a Friend

two children with drawing supplies

About this video

The children in this clip attend a mixed-age early childhood center sponsored by a public university. The well-organized and equipped writing area at this center is set up to invite young children to work side by side. The children have access to accessories and materials that they can use to create their writing projects. These include staplers, tape, many kinds of paper, envelopes, recycled cards, and stickers. Many kinds of writing implements are available, including pens, pencils, thin and thick markers, crayons, and colored pencils. The children like to use these materials to write letters and create cards for their friends, family, and teachers.

Examples of alphabet letters are taped to the desktop so that they can be easily referenced. According to Head Teacher Barb Gallick, “There are two sets of drawers. One set has a drawer for each child. In the drawer are photos of the child and multiple copies of the child’s name. The children use these to label pictures, create lists of friends, and sign letters, stories, and drawings. We use them in project work for surveys. The other set of drawers has a drawer for each alphabet letter. We cut them from magazines, catalogs, and newspapers. They are available for whatever purpose the children choose.”



Maddie: (After stapling a piece of paper.) This one got on too!

Teyshaun: Want me to draw you?

Maddie: Yah. I’m gonna’ do it all by myself and spell your name.

Teyshaun: (Drawing.) That’s some hair for you. (Draws some more and then points to his drawing.) There—you (looking at Maddie). What’s your own name start with?

Maddie: A, R, C, E.

Teyshaun: (Makes a mark near his drawing of Maddie.) Okay.

Maddie: You be my friend, okay? You can be my friend, if you want.

Benchmarks and How They Were Met

BenchmarksHow They Were Met
Language Arts
5.A.ECb: Use scribbles, letterlike forms, or letters/words to represent written language.
Teyshaun used an approximation of a letter to represent Maddie’s name.
The Arts
25.A.ECd: Visual Arts: Investigate and participate in activities using visual arts materials.
Teyshaun drew a picture of Maddie using pencil and paper.
Social/emotional Development
31.A.ECa: Show empathy, sympathy, and caring for others.
Maddie asked Teyshaun if he wanted to be her friend.
Social/emotional Development
31.A.ECe: Develop positive relationships with peers.
Teyshaun asked Maddie if she would like him to draw her picture. Maddie asked Teyshaun if he would like to be her friend.
Social/emotional Development
31.B.ECa: Interact verbally and nonverbally with other children.
Teyshaun asked Maddie if she would like him to draw her picture. Maddie responded to his question about her name.

Note: This video clip was made possible by STARnet Regions I & III with funding from the Illinois State Board of Education.